Bookshop by the Sea – A Second Chance Romance

April 10, 2021 | Book Reviews

Who doesn’t love a second chance romance? Bookshop by the Sea by Denise Hunter is a sweet story with a lot of deep moments.

Selfless versus Selfish

The main characters are Sophie Lawson and Aiden Maddox. They are relatable and likable characters. Sophie is a beautiful picture of selflessness, which isn’t a quality I can readily identify with to be honest. But, I can recognize it in others and find it one of the most admirable qualities a person can possess. So, needless to say, I liked Sophie. However, Sophie had a lesson to learn about being selfless. And, there’s a lesson for those of us who fall on the selfish end of the spectrum – don’t take advantage of people.

Aiden was easier for me to identify with, not because I share a similar backstory, but I could relate to his chief fear and how he did things to sabotage himself. I may have wanted to shake him once or twice for not seeing what was right in front of him. Still, many times we have to learn the hard way what really matters in life.

I loved the setting and could visualize the little town of Piper’s Cove. It’s a place I’d like to visit myself. Also, there is a spiritual element running through the story that I enjoyed.

Trust is Key

Overall, the story was about letting go, and clearly showed how holding on to some things can be bad for us in the long run. Trust is a key theme in the book.

From an emotional standpoint, I felt moments of sadness during a few scenes, so I know it resonated with me personally at those points. But, overall, Bookshop by the Sea didn’t affect me as intensely as other Denise Hunter books have. Normally, I’m laughing in one scene and crying in another. But, there weren’t any real humorous scenes in this story, except for one near the beginning. I’m not saying all books have to make you laugh and cry. It just wasn’t the norm for her books.

A Second Chance Romance – Sure to Please

If you love a second chance romances, Bookshop by the Sea is sure to please. It’s a delightful book, and I’d definitely recommend it. In fact, I’ve ordered a copy to add to my Denise Hunter collection.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Look for more reviews on my website.

Do you love second chance romances? Why or why not?