take less. do more by Glen Van Peski

April 11, 2024 | Book Reviews

take less. do more by Glen Van Peski is a delightful read even if you aren’t a backpacker. Packed full of astute observations, any reader will find a life lesson or two to take to heart.

What I Liked About take less. do more by Glen Van Peski

First, I thought the author’s personality really shines through. He has an engaging way of telling stories and seems like a person you’d really want to get to know. He’s learned a thing or two during his life’s journey and has a generosity about him that you don’t see every day.

Second, I learned a lot about backpacking. Van Peski is an ultralight backpacker and if you’re into that sort of thing, you may have heard about the company he founded, Gossamer Gear. He shares many stories about his various adventures and things he’s learned on the trails.

Finally, I found many lessons that apply to life in general, even if you aren’t an outdoor enthusiast. The chapters are called lessons. Here are a few of my favorite takeaways:

  • Anything worth doing right often involves a series of failures.
  • Every effort you make to help someone else has a weighty impact.
  • Sometimes going backward is the fastest way to reach your destination.
  • If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.
  • Cultivating a heart of gratitude changes the entire world.

What You’ll Like About take less. do more

If you’re thinking about making a long backpacking trip, you’ll find plenty of helpful information in this book. Van Peski includes in the Appendix, sample gear lists that he used for a Bridge to Gods to White Pass trip and the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. He also includes a list of what he carries in a first aid kit.

While I did enjoy the backpacking and mountain bike adventures, I found the life lessons the most profound. Readers will find helpful information as they read about his very interesting life.

Final Thoughts

Van Peski is a Christian and his faith is important to him. His conversion story involving a gopher is priceless. In many ways, I’d say he embodies what a Christian should be. He’s open about his faith while also being open to showing generosity and kindness to people who don’t share his faith.

I highly recommend this book. For more books news and book reviews, visit my blog.