Aliveness Mindset by Jack Craven

March 31, 2024 | Book Reviews

Aliveness Mindset by Jack Craven is designed according to the author to “give you the tools you need to find your own aliveness.” Your aliveness won’t look like someone else’s. The goal is to help you live in your optimal state on a regular basis.

What I Liked About Aliveness Mindset by Jack Craven

One thing that stood out to me was Craven makes it clear from the beginning that experiencing aliveness on a regular basis takes work. It requires that you align how you feel, how you think, and how you live. An aliveness mindset is achieved through the development of seven mindsets that he explores in depth in the book.

Craven says people not experiencing aliveness describe themselves in one or more ways ranging from feeling stagnant or trapped all the way to feeling something is missing. He goes on then to explain why you should pursue aliveness. He says how you feel about your life matters because aliveness influences our health, happiness, and longevity.

I’m a story person, and Craven uses many stories to illustrate his points. He begins with his own and then highlights various clients’ experiences as he works through the chapters.

What You’ll Like About Aliveness Mindset

If you like development through self-reflection, you’ll cover many important questions you can work through to gauge how well you practice an aliveness mindset. Listed at the end of each chapter, the questions help you to reflect on where you are regarding the seven mindsets.

Craven pulls in research to clarify his points, which helped me to better understand what he is saying. Some of it may sound familiar such as the difference between a growth mindset and fixed mindset. But if you’re like me, it’s always helpful to get a refresher on such concepts.

Part Three explains how to practice aliveness and you’ll complete more exercises in this section. Then Part Four focuses on your optimal state. The goal here is to make aliveness the rule and not the exception. Craven then lists tools you can experiment with and then choose which work best for you.

Final Thoughts

I liked Aliveness Mindset and that Craven urges readers to use the tools if they help. The book takes the angle that aliveness is in our control, and I would agree that how we react to life is within our control. However, as a person of faith, I think there is a higher power that ultimately directs our path. Still, I’m not offended that there was a lot of “it’s all up to me” slant. I’ll be the first to say we should do all we can to live alive and Craven does mention faith or a person’s religion may be something that matters to individuals.

Finally, I will give a language alert to potential readers who may be offended by language.

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