Four Aspects of Leadership in Mission-Critical Leadership

April 27, 2021 | Book Reviews

Mission-Critical Leadership – How Smart Managers Lead Well in All Directions by Jon Lokhorst is a compact book with solid advice. It examines four aspects of leadership that will help “smart managers lead well in all directions.” Breaking the book into three sections, Lokhorst offers detailed information on how people can master the skills to ascend and put them into practice

Aspect One: Leading Yourself

Lokhorst says you have to build a strong foundation, and it starts with you. For example, if you can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead others. He begins with specific derailers you need to avoid, and reminds readers how important it is to know your own vision, purpose, mission, values, strengths, and weaknesses. You must employ self-leadership strategies, and you need to show up as your best self in every situation.

Aspect Two: Leading Up

Leading your manager is critical because this can enhance or impede your ability to advance. Lokhorst says one of the keys to leading up is to build unwavering trust with your boss. In addition, you also need to master your craft, adapt your communication style and preferences, and advance your boss’s agenda. Finally, he emphasizes the need to be respectfully candid and to invite upward leadership from your own team.

Aspect Three: Leading Across

This is the most complex according to Lokhorst because it involves your peers, who you have no power over. But, breaking down silos will get you noticed in a good way. He says you need to rely on influence not power and not underestimate the importance of likeability. He makes it clear healthy relationships with peers are critical and offers advice on how to establish rules of engagement. Lokhorst says good leaders seek win-win opportunities.

Aspect Four: Leading Down

The fourth aspect Lokhorst covers is leading down, and it’s considered the more traditional view of leadership. To be successful, you must build your leadership style on trust and influence, communicate with clarity and consistency, and get to know your people. For example, you should recognize your people’s efforts, show appreciation for their performance, and celebrate their achievements.

Using All Four Leadership Aspects to Reach the Next Level

In the final section of the book, Lokhorst brings it all together to show you how to sustain and multiple your leadership. One important key is to take responsibility for your own development as a leader. So, you aren’t given a pass if your organization doesn’t develop you. He’s the best example in the book for developing yourself. He discovered he had a great interest in leadership and pursued educational opportunities to become knowledgeable in the field. In addition, he sought appropriate certification to coach others.

Mission-Critical Leadership is filled with pertinent examples to bring home the points Lokhorst is trying to make. And, the practical exercises, if you use them, will help you and your team to become better leaders.

It’s clear Jon Lokhorst takes what he does seriously. One thing I most appreciated was he didn’t shy away from mentioning his faith. His humble approach shows he’s serious about it, and it’s refreshing in the leadership development arena. But whether you’re a person of faith or not, you’ll walk away knowing he truly cares and wants to make a positive impact for others.

In conclusion, this book is one you should add to your leadership library. I received an advance copy for review; however, I also bought the Kindle version. It’s important to support authors you like. You can find more book reviews in my previous blog posts.