Strap In For One Wild Ride: A Review of No Unturned Stone

April 4, 2021 | Book Reviews

Before you start No Unturned Stone by David James Warren, strap yourself in because this is one wild ride. And the thing is, when you reach the end of the book, you’ll realize you’ve just crested the second wave of the biggest rollercoaster you’ve ever been on and your stomach is ten seats behind you as you hurl down the track.


No Unturned Stone picks up right where Cast the First Stone left off. I can definitely say, it surprised me more than once, and it churns up all kinds of emotions. You can’t anticipate what will happen next in this action-packed time travel thriller, which makes it all the more enjoyable.

I almost hate to use the metaphor of peeling the onion, but I don’t know how to describe it any other way. We learn more and more about the man Rembrandt really is. Rem comes across as a bit of a fatalist, but we can see his transformation happening. He’s such an interesting character. He realizes what a great life he had before he made the first trip back in time, and he’s doggedly determined to regain it.

Rembrandt still has a cockiness about him, but he sees his flaws and wants to be better. He’s becoming a much more selfless person. We see this most when he’s with Eve. He has all the personal history with her, which gives him an advantage as he woos her in the past. But he loves her with his entire being and protects her. His conscience won’t let him be anything but gentle with her.

Eve is a great character. I liked her even more in this book. She’s a strong-willed woman who can’t be swayed by other people’s opinions. She’s determined to make up her own mind about Rem, despite the fact everyone around her is trying to convince her he’ll ruin her life. She sees the man he really is, and isn’t that the best kind of love you can give another.

The Watch Forebodes Trouble

There are more great moments with Rem’s partner Burke, and we learn why Booker gave Rem the watch. I have a real foreboding about the watch, and I’m trying to figure out what Rem ultimately will do with it.

Both books have knocked my socks off at the end. Cast the First Stone was gut-wrenching, and I’m not fully recovered yet. To say I’m emotionally invested in Rem’s plight is an understatement. In No Unturned Stone, I hit the last chapter and thought I never saw this coming. Oh my word! I’m almost afraid to see what happens next. Okay, not really. I can hardly wait to see what happens.

I’m sticking with my initial assessment that this is the most intriguing series I’ve read in a long time, and it really is brilliant. I don’t know what’s coming, but I’m pretty sure the rollercoaster ride will continue and will have a lot more twist, turns, and scream-inducing drops before I get to the end. Strap yourself in for the next wild ride.

I received a complimentary copy for review, but I can tell you I’m buying this entire series, and I’ll definitely re-read it. Look for future installment reviews on my website.