Vanishing Legacy by Kate Angelo is the first book in the new Elite Guardians: Savannah series. Angelo has been working with Lynette Eason to recreate Eason’s story world and her previous novels have been very entertaining. Vanishing Legacy is yet another great offering.
What I Liked About Vanishing Legacy by Kate Angelo
The beginning drew me in immediately. I particularly liked that the prologue began in little Penny Thomas’ point of view. After that the POV switches between Alana Flores, the bodyguard, and Cash Thomas, Penny’s dad. But starting with Penny had me totally invested from page one.
I liked both Alana and Cash, and the children, Rocco and Penny. Readers who’ve read the previous series, will remember Alana and Rocco. The kids were adorable.
The action was nonstop and Angelo did a great job of keeping me in suspense as to who was behind all the mayhem and for what reason.
One other noteworthy element is Penny’s character was neurodiverse. Readers learn early she has delayed development; however, Angelo includes one particular scene that shows how very intelligent Penny is. I loved this aspect of the story.
What You’ll Like About Vanishing Legacy
It goes without saying, if you like Angelo’s previous books, you’ll like this one. The plot is interesting and will keep you guessing. And, if you like action and suspense, you’ll be in heaven.
For romance lovers, you’ll be satisfied. Romance readers, especially romantic suspense readers, know the romance has to happen fast so the instant love shouldn’t surprise you.
Final Thoughts
There is a faith element in the story, as you might expect. It’s solid but comes across as natural, not preachy. It’s a fast read that takes off and doesn’t slow down until the epilogue.
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